Thursday, April 16, 2009


Oh no!! after change to the new theme.. I forgotten to backup all the bloglist.. mm.. so if you're missing from the list.. be patient ya! I'll be updating.. all the list ;)


Mama UauaMomoi said...

Hi Evelyn! Thanks for visiting my blog and adding the link to your blog :-)

Evelyn Laiyap said...

Mama_UauaMomoiThank you :)

KaDusMama said...

hi..macam lama sia nda datang sini kan?? :) How are u??

Evelyn Laiyap said...

KadusMamaHello.. bah.. rajin2 singga kio :D .. Anyway.. I'm doing fine.. tapi life is still busy bah.. If you see any updates.. means.. sia ada la free sikit tu..

Mama Mia said...

ini la part yg bikin malas mo tukar new template kan...misti ada yg tercicir dr bloglist..hehe...

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